the little girl looked at me ... and paused for a second ......and said
it is really big !!!!!
i answered , well yes and no ..
she looked puzzeled !
well its nearly a meter and a half long , but in actual fact its only a baby !!
a baby she questioned me.. yes porpably only a few days old .
but its so big!
yes but its mother is a giant i told her.
looking at the corpse she notecied the tha tail was not there anymore ,,, what had happened to it ???
well pobably it has been eaten!!!
by who she asked.. likely by some fish ... ohh she said.
how long do you think its dead ,,, looking and seeing that it still has its intestines i would say not more than 7 days ...
poor baby she said .
grazie paolo ... un grandissimo complimento !
Hai avuto un'idea molto interessante e l'hai realizzata bene, il dialogo a più riprese con la bimba poi impreziosice il tutto